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benefits of eating jaggery

Jaggery is a natural sweetener which is known for its multiple health benefits such as immunity booster, aids digestion, beats anaemia, etc. It is mainly used in Asia and Africa. It is a type of non centrifugal sugar which means it is not spun like refined or white sugar. In India, jaggery is known as Gur. 70% of jaggery production comes from India. It is mainly sucrose, glucose and fructose. So its amount has to be kept in moderation regarding the health condition of a person. 

NutrientQuantity (per 100g)
Calories383 kcal
Carbohydrates98 g
Sucrose65-85 g
Glucose & Fructose10-15 g
Proteins0.4 g
Fats0.1 g
Minerals0.6-1.0 g
Calcium40-100 mg
Iron5-10 mg
Magnesium70-90 mg
Phosphorus20-90 mg
Potassium100-200 mg
Fiber0.1 g
VitaminsB1, B2, B5 B6, carotene, vitamin C, minerals like calcium, zinc, copper and phosphorus.
Moisture or water3.9 – 7.2%

Health benefits of Jaggery  

  1. Improves Immune System
    Jaggery for sure is an immunity booster food as it is rich in minerals and vitamins as compared to table sugar. As we all crave something sweet to eat in day to day life, therefore jaggery is an excellent replacement for refined sugar. Jaggery is prominently consumed in cold weather as it helps in protecting from cold and cough due to its minerals, vitamins and antioxidant content. It is also used as a base in many ayurvedic and unani medicines. 
  2. Improves Digestion
    Jaggery is an excellent food for improving gut biome as it promotes digestive juices to release more effectively. It helps in relieving constipation, improves absorption, and prevents bloating. It helps in cleaning the digestive system. 
  3. Diminishes Anemia 
    Jaggery is an excellent plant based iron source food which helps in relieving symptoms of iron deficiency anemia. Common symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are fatigue, headache, dizziness, palpitation, etc. 
  4. Reduces Water Retention
    Jaggery is rich in potassium and sodium, both of these minerals are important for regulating electrolyte levels in our body. Potassium mainly helps in reducing water retention which helps in keeping your blood pressure intact. Also reduces puffiness, swelling and weight loss to an extent. 
  5. Great toxifier
    Well, detoxification is very important for our body as it removes harmful agents from the body, commonly known as toxins. Jaggery is a great toxifier as it helps in liver detoxification and as we all know that liver is one of the main organs which removes toxins from our body. 
  6. Energy Booster
    Well being a natural sweetener, jaggery surely is a great quick fix for sugar spike but the sugar spike of jaggery is not like white sugar. White sugar spikes very suddenly and similarly crashes very quickly whereas the blood sugar spike by jaggery is much more consistent as compared to that of white sugar. That’s why doctors and nutritionists tell us to replace sugar with jaggery in day to day life. But the amount needs to be kept under control. 
  7. Helps In weight Loss 
    Well it may sound unusual that a sweetener can help in weight loss but to your surprise yes it does. Let’s see how? In terms of calories white sugar and jaggery are equal but in terms of health benefits they are poles apart. Jaggery contains a good amount of minerals and vitamins, which helps in reducing bloating, indigestion, and water retention. All these factors play an important role in reducing weight naturally over a period of time. 

Some of the most Frequently Asked Questions FAQs related to jaggery consumption are as follows: 

Q1. Can Jaggery boost immunity?

Yes, jaggery is an immunity booster as it acts as a cleanser or detoxifier especially for the lungs and liver. Therefore it boosts liver functioning which helps in detoxifying blood, removing harmful toxins thus boosting immunity.  You can combine jaggery in various detox waters like ginger and fennel water or turmeric and black pepper water. 

Q2. How can jaggery boost immunity naturally? 

Well, it is very easy to boost immunity with jaggery naturally as it is very tasty and sweet in taste so you can just simply add it to your daily diet post meals like a dessert. If not then you just simply replace white sugar with jaggery in your tea, coffee, milk, or smoothies. One important thing to remember is that it’s mainly a source of carbohydrate so its amount needs to be controlled. 

Q3. How does jaggery prevent winter colds and coughs? 

Well, jaggery water acts as a natural cleaner for the respiratory tract and removes dust particles and toxins from the lungs. Along with that minerals in jaggery boost your overall immunity thus helping in preventing cold and cough. 

Jaggery vs. Refined Sugar: Which Is the Healthier Option?

With so many nutritional benefits we can easily conclude that jaggery is a great substitute of white sugar. You can add it to your daily drinks like smoothies, tea, or coffee. You can also make cookies, cakes, brownies, etc for special occasions. Moreover you can just eat it like a piece of candy post your meals to decrease your sweet cravings.